Source code for pyamg.aggregation.pairwise

"""Support for pairwise-aggregation-based AMG."""

from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, isspmatrix_csr, isspmatrix_bsr, \

from pyamg.multilevel import MultilevelSolver
from pyamg.relaxation.smoothing import change_smoothers
from pyamg.util.utils import get_blocksize, levelize_strength_or_aggregation
from .aggregate import pairwise_aggregation

[docs] def pairwise_solver(A, aggregate=('pairwise', {'theta': 0.25, 'norm': 'min', 'matchings': 2}), presmoother=('block_gauss_seidel', {'sweep': 'symmetric'}), postsmoother=('block_gauss_seidel', {'sweep': 'symmetric'}), max_levels=20, max_coarse=10, **kwargs): """ Create a multilevel solver using Pairwise Aggregation. Parameters ---------- A : {csr_matrix, bsr_matrix} Sparse NxN matrix in CSR or BSR format aggregate : {tuple, string, list} : default ('pairwise', {'theta': 0.25, 'norm':'min', 'matchings': 2}) Method choice must be 'pairwise'; inner pairwise options including matchings, theta, and norm can be modified, presmoother : {tuple, string, list} : default ('block_gauss_seidel', {'sweep':'symmetric'}) Defines the presmoother for the multilevel cycling. The default block Gauss-Seidel option defaults to point-wise Gauss-Seidel, if the matrix is CSR or is a BSR matrix with blocksize of 1. See notes below for varying this parameter on a per level basis. postsmoother : {tuple, string, list} Same as presmoother, except defines the postsmoother. max_levels : {integer} : default 10 Maximum number of levels to be used in the multilevel solver. max_coarse : {integer} : default 500 Maximum number of variables permitted on the coarse grid. Other Parameters ---------------- coarse_solver : ['splu', 'lu', 'cholesky, 'pinv', 'gauss_seidel', ... ] Solver used at the coarsest level of the MG hierarchy. Optionally, may be a tuple (fn, args), where fn is a string such as ['splu', 'lu', ...] or a callable function, and args is a dictionary of arguments to be passed to fn. Returns ------- ml : multilevel_solver Multigrid hierarchy of matrices and prolongation operators See Also -------- multilevel_solver, classical.ruge_stuben_solver, aggregation.smoothed_aggregation_solver Examples -------- >>> from pyamg import pairwise_solver >>> from import poisson >>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import cg >>> import numpy as np >>> A = poisson((100, 100), format='csr') # matrix >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0])) # RHS >>> ml = pairwise_solver(A) # AMG solver >>> M = ml.aspreconditioner(cycle='V') # preconditioner >>> x, info = cg(A, b, tol=1e-8, maxiter=30, M=M) # solve with CG References ---------- [0] Notay, Y. (2010). An aggregation-based algebraic multigrid method. Electronic transactions on numerical analysis, 37(6), 123-146. """ if not (isspmatrix_csr(A) or isspmatrix_bsr(A)): try: A = csr_matrix(A) warn('Implicit conversion of A to CSR', SparseEfficiencyWarning) except Exception as e: raise TypeError('Argument A must have type csr_matrix or bsr_matrix, ' 'or be convertible to csr_matrix') from e A = A.asfptype() if A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]: raise ValueError('expected square matrix') if np.iscomplexobj( raise ValueError('Pairwise solver not verified for complex matrices') # Levelize the user parameters, so that they become lists describing the # desired user option on each level. max_levels, max_coarse, aggregate =\ levelize_strength_or_aggregation(aggregate, max_levels, max_coarse) # Construct multilevel structure levels = [] levels.append(MultilevelSolver.Level()) levels[-1].A = A # matrix while len(levels) < max_levels and\ int(levels[-1].A.shape[0]/get_blocksize(levels[-1].A)) > max_coarse: _extend_hierarchy(levels, aggregate) ml = MultilevelSolver(levels, **kwargs) change_smoothers(ml, presmoother, postsmoother) return ml
def _extend_hierarchy(levels, aggregate): """Extend the multigrid hierarchy.""" def unpack_arg(v): if isinstance(v, tuple): return v[0], v[1] return v, {} A = levels[-1].A # Compute pairwise interpolation and restriction matrices, R=P^* _, kwargs = unpack_arg(aggregate[len(levels)-1]) P = pairwise_aggregation(A, **kwargs, compute_P=True)[0] R = P.H if isspmatrix_csr(P): # In this case, R will be CSC, which must be changed R = R.tocsr() levels[-1].P = P # unsmoothed prolongator levels[-1].R = R # restriction operator levels.append(MultilevelSolver.Level()) A = R * A * P # Galerkin operator levels[-1].A = A