Source code for

"""Basic PyAMG demo showing AMG standalone convergence versus preconditioned CG with AMG."""

import numpy as np

from .laplacian import poisson
from ..aggregation.aggregation import smoothed_aggregation_solver

[docs] def demo(): """Outline basic demo.""" A = poisson((100, 100), format='csr') # 2D FD Poisson problem B = None # no near-null spaces guesses for SA b = np.random.rand(A.shape[0], 1) # a random right-hand side # use AMG based on Smoothed Aggregation (SA) and display info mls = smoothed_aggregation_solver(A, B=B) print(mls) # Solve Ax=b with no acceleration ('standalone' solver) standalone_residuals = [] x = mls.solve(b, tol=1e-10, accel=None, residuals=standalone_residuals) # Solve Ax=b with Conjugate Gradient (AMG as a preconditioner to CG) accelerated_residuals = [] x = mls.solve(b, tol=1e-10, accel='cg', residuals=accelerated_residuals) del x # Compute relative residuals standalone_residuals = np.array(standalone_residuals) / standalone_residuals[0] accelerated_residuals = np.array(accelerated_residuals) / accelerated_residuals[0] # Compute (geometric) convergence factors factor1 = standalone_residuals[-1]**(1.0/len(standalone_residuals)) factor2 = accelerated_residuals[-1]**(1.0/len(accelerated_residuals)) print(f' MG convergence factor: {factor1}') print(f'MG with CG acceleration convergence factor: {factor2}') # Plot convergence history try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel plt.figure() plt.title('Convergence History') plt.xlabel('Iteration') plt.ylabel('Relative Residual') plt.semilogy(standalone_residuals, label='Standalone', linestyle='-', marker='o') plt.semilogy(accelerated_residuals, label='Accelerated', linestyle='-', marker='s') plt.legend() except ImportError: print('\nNote: matplotlib is needed for plotting.')