Source code for

"""Random sparse matrices."""
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

def _rand_sparse(m, n, density):
    """Construct base function for sprand, sprandn."""
    nnz = max(min(int(m*n*density), m*n), 0)

    row = np.random.randint(low=0, high=m-1, size=nnz)
    col = np.random.randint(low=0, high=n-1, size=nnz)
    data = np.ones(nnz, dtype=float)

    # duplicate (i,j) entries will be summed together
    return sp.sparse.csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(m, n))

[docs] def sprand(m, n, density, format='csr'): """Return a random sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- m, n : int shape of the result density : float target a matrix with nnz(A) = m*n*density, 0<=density<=1 format : string sparse matrix format to return, e.g. 'csr', 'coo', etc. Returns ------- A : sparse matrix m x n sparse matrix Examples -------- >>> from import sprand >>> A = sprand(5,5,3/5.0) """ m, n = int(m), int(n) # get sparsity pattern A = _rand_sparse(m, n, density) # replace data with random values = np.random.rand(A.nnz) return A.asformat(format)
# currently returns positive semi-definite matrices # def sprand_spd(m, n, density, a=1.0, b=2.0, format='csr'): # """Returns a random sparse, symmetric positive definite matrix # # Parameters # ---------- # n : int # shape of the result # density : float # target a matrix with nnz(A) = m*n*density, 0<=density<=1 # a,b : float # eigenvalues of the result will lie in the range [a,b] # format : string # sparse matrix format to return, e.g. "csr", "coo", etc. # # Returns # ------- # A : sparse, SPD matrix # n x n sparse matrix with eigenvalues in the interval [a,b] # # Examples # -------- # # See Also # -------- # # # """ # # get sparsity pattern # A = _rand_sparse(n, n, density, format='csr') # # = np.random.rand(A.nnz) # # A = sp.sparse.tril(A, -1) # # A = A + A.T # # d = np.array(A.sum(axis=1)).ravel() # # from pyamg.util.utils import symmetric_rescaling, diag_sparse # # D = diag_sparse(d) # A = D - A # # # A now has zero row sums # D_sqrt,D_sqrt_inv,A = symmetric_rescaling(A) # # # A now has unit diagonals # # return A.asformat(format)