Strength of Connection functions.
- Requirements for the strength matrix C are:
Nonzero diagonal whenever A has a nonzero diagonal
Non-negative entries (float or bool) in [0,1]
Large entries denoting stronger connections
C denotes nodal connections, i.e., if A is an nxn BSR matrix with row block size of m, then C is (n/m) x (n/m)
Affinity Distance Strength Measure. |
Algebraic Distance Strength Measure. |
Classical strength of connection measure. |
Create strength of connection matrixfrom a function applied to relaxation vectors. |
Distance based strength-of-connection. |
Energy Strength Measure. |
Evolution Strength Measure. |
Use evolution_strength_of_connection instead (deprecated). |
Generate test vectors by relaxing on Ax=0 for some random vectors x. |
Symmetric Strength Measure. |
- pyamg.strength.affinity_distance(A, alpha=0.5, R=5, k=20, epsilon=4.0)[source]#
Affinity Distance Strength Measure.
- Parameters:
- Acsr_matrix
Sparse NxN matrix
- alphascalar
Weight for Jacobi
- Rinteger
Number of random vectors
- kinteger
Number of relaxation passes
- epsilonscalar
Drop tolerance
- Returns:
- Ccsr_matrix
Sparse matrix of strength values
No unit testing yet.
Does not handle BSR matrices yet.
See [LiBr] for more details.
[LiBr]Oren E. Livne and Achi Brandt, “Lean Algebraic Multigrid (LAMG): Fast Graph Laplacian Linear Solver”
- pyamg.strength.algebraic_distance(A, alpha=0.5, R=5, k=20, epsilon=2.0, p=2)[source]#
Algebraic Distance Strength Measure.
- Parameters:
- Acsr_matrix
Sparse NxN matrix
- alphascalar
Weight for Jacobi
- Rinteger
Number of random vectors
- kinteger
Number of relaxation passes
- epsilonscalar
Drop tolerance
- pscalar or inf
p-norm of the measure
- Returns:
- Ccsr_matrix
Sparse matrix of strength values
No unit testing yet.
Does not handle BSR matrices yet.
See [SaSaSc] for more details.
[SaSaSc]Ilya Safro, Peter Sanders, and Christian Schulz, “Advanced Coarsening Schemes for Graph Partitioning”
- pyamg.strength.classical_strength_of_connection(A, theta=0.1, block=True, norm='abs')[source]#
Classical strength of connection measure.
Return a strength of connection matrix using the classical AMG measure An off-diagonal entry A[i,j] is a strong connection iff:
|A[i,j]| >= theta * max(|A[i,k]|), where k != i (norm='abs') -A[i,j] >= theta * max(-A[i,k]), where k != i (norm='min')
- Parameters:
- Acsr_matrix or bsr_matrix
Square, sparse matrix in CSR or BSR format
- thetafloat
Threshold parameter in [0,1]
- blockbool, default True
Compute strength of connection block-wise
- norm‘string’, default ‘abs’
Measure used in computing the strength:
'abs' : |C[i,j]| >= theta * max(|C[i,k]|), where k != i 'min' : -C[i,j] >= theta * max(-C[i,k]), where k != i
where C = A for non-block-wise computations. For block-wise:
'abs' : C[i, j] is the maximum absolute value in block A[i, j] 'min' : C[i, j] is the minimum (negative) value in block A[i, j] 'fro' : C[i, j] is the Frobenius norm of block A[i, j]
- Returns:
- Scsr_matrix
Matrix graph defining strong connections. S[i,j] ~ 1.0 if vertex i is strongly influenced by vertex j, or block i is strongly influenced by block j if block=True.
See also
symmetric measure used in SA
relaxation based strength measure
A symmetric A does not necessarily yield a symmetric strength matrix S
Calls C++ function classical_strength_of_connection
The version as implemented is designed for M-matrices. Trottenberg et al. use max A[i,k] over all negative entries, which is the same. A positive edge weight never indicates a strong connection.
See [2000BrHeMc] and [2001bTrOoSc]
[2000BrHeMc]Briggs, W. L., Henson, V. E., McCormick, S. F., “A multigrid tutorial”, Second edition. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, PA, 2000. xii+193 pp.
[2001bTrOoSc]Trottenberg, U., Oosterlee, C. W., Schuller, A., “Multigrid”, Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, CA, 2001. xvi+631 pp.
>>> import numpy as np >>> from import stencil_grid >>> from pyamg.strength import classical_strength_of_connection >>> n=3 >>> stencil = np.array([[-1.0,-1.0,-1.0], ... [-1.0, 8.0,-1.0], ... [-1.0,-1.0,-1.0]]) >>> A = stencil_grid(stencil, (n,n), format='csr') >>> S = classical_strength_of_connection(A, 0.0)
- pyamg.strength.distance_measure_common(A, func, alpha, R, k, epsilon)[source]#
Create strength of connection matrixfrom a function applied to relaxation vectors.
- pyamg.strength.distance_strength_of_connection(A, V, theta=2.0, relative_drop=True)[source]#
Distance based strength-of-connection.
- Parameters:
- Acsr_matrix or bsr_matrix
Square, sparse matrix in CSR or BSR format
- Varray
Coordinates of the vertices of the graph of A
- thetafloat
Drop tolerance (distance)
- relative_dropbool
If false, then a connection must be within a distance of theta from a point to be strongly connected. If true, then the closest connection is always strong, and other points must be within theta times the smallest distance to be strong
- Returns:
- Ccsr_matrix
C(i,j) = distance(point_i, point_j) Strength of connection matrix where strength values are distances, i.e. the smaller the value, the stronger the connection. Sparsity pattern of C is copied from A.
theta is a drop tolerance that is applied row-wise
If a BSR matrix given, then the return matrix is still CSR. The strength is given between super nodes based on the BSR block size.
>>> from import load_example >>> from pyamg.strength import distance_strength_of_connection >>> data = load_example('airfoil') >>> A = data['A'].tocsr() >>> S = distance_strength_of_connection(data['A'], data['vertices'])
- pyamg.strength.energy_based_strength_of_connection(A, theta=0.0, k=2)[source]#
Energy Strength Measure.
Compute a strength of connection matrix using an energy-based measure.
- Parameters:
- Asparse-matrix
matrix from which to generate strength of connection information
- thetafloat
Threshold parameter in [0,1]
- kint
Number of relaxation steps used to generate strength information
- Returns:
- Scsr_matrix
Matrix graph defining strong connections. The sparsity pattern of S matches that of A. For BSR matrices, S is a reduced strength of connection matrix that describes connections between supernodes.
This method relaxes with weighted-Jacobi in order to approximate the matrix inverse. A normalized change of energy is then used to define point-wise strength of connection values. Specifically, let v be the approximation to the i-th column of the inverse, then
(S_ij)^2 = <v_j, v_j>_A / <v, v>_A,
where v_j = v, such that entry j in v has been zeroed out. As is common, larger values imply a stronger connection.
Current implementation is a very slow pure-python implementation for experimental purposes, only.
See [2006BrBrMaMaMc] for more details.
[2006BrBrMaMaMc]Brannick, Brezina, MacLachlan, Manteuffel, McCormick. “An Energy-Based AMG Coarsening Strategy”, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, vol. 13, pp. 133-148, 2006.
>>> import numpy as np >>> from import stencil_grid >>> from pyamg.strength import energy_based_strength_of_connection >>> n=3 >>> stencil = np.array([[-1.0,-1.0,-1.0], ... [-1.0, 8.0,-1.0], ... [-1.0,-1.0,-1.0]]) >>> A = stencil_grid(stencil, (n,n), format='csr') >>> S = energy_based_strength_of_connection(A, 0.0)
- pyamg.strength.evolution_strength_of_connection(A, B=None, epsilon=4.0, k=2, proj_type='l2', block_flag=False, symmetrize_measure=True)[source]#
Evolution Strength Measure.
Construct strength of connection matrix using an Evolution-based measure
- Parameters:
- Acsr_matrix, bsr_matrix
Sparse NxN matrix
- Bstring, array
If B=None, then the near nullspace vector used is all ones. If B is an (NxK) array, then B is taken to be the near nullspace vectors.
- epsilonscalar
Drop tolerance
- kinteger
ODE num time steps, step size is assumed to be 1/rho(DinvA)
- proj_type{‘l2’,’D_A’}
Define norm for constrained min prob, i.e. define projection
- block_flagboolean
If True, use a block D inverse as preconditioner for A during weighted-Jacobi
- symmetrize_measureboolean
Symmetrize the strength as (A + A.T) / 2
- Returns:
- Atildecsr_matrix
Sparse matrix of strength values
- See [2008OlScTu] for more details.
[2008OlScTu]Olson, L. N., Schroder, J., Tuminaro, R. S., “A New Perspective on Strength Measures in Algebraic Multigrid”, submitted, June, 2008.
>>> import numpy as np >>> from import stencil_grid >>> from pyamg.strength import evolution_strength_of_connection >>> n=3 >>> stencil = np.array([[-1.0,-1.0,-1.0], ... [-1.0, 8.0,-1.0], ... [-1.0,-1.0,-1.0]]) >>> A = stencil_grid(stencil, (n,n), format='csr') >>> S = evolution_strength_of_connection(A, np.ones((A.shape[0],1)))
- pyamg.strength.ode_strength_of_connection(A, B=None, epsilon=4.0, k=2, proj_type='l2', block_flag=False, symmetrize_measure=True)[source]#
Use evolution_strength_of_connection instead (deprecated).
- pyamg.strength.relaxation_vectors(A, R, k, alpha)[source]#
Generate test vectors by relaxing on Ax=0 for some random vectors x.
- Parameters:
- Acsr_matrix
Sparse NxN matrix
- alphascalar
Weight for Jacobi
- Rinteger
Number of random vectors
- kinteger
Number of relaxation passes
- Returns:
- xarray
Dense array N x k array of relaxation vectors
- pyamg.strength.symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, theta=0)[source]#
Symmetric Strength Measure.
Compute strength of connection matrix using the standard symmetric measure
An off-diagonal connection A[i,j] is strong iff:
abs(A[i,j]) >= theta * sqrt( abs(A[i,i]) * abs(A[j,j]) )
- Parameters:
- Acsr_matrix
Matrix graph defined in sparse format. Entry A[i,j] describes the strength of edge [i,j]
- thetafloat
Threshold parameter (positive).
- Returns:
- Scsr_matrix
Matrix graph defining strong connections. S[i,j]=1 if vertex i is strongly influenced by vertex j.
See also
symmetric measure used in SA
relaxation based strength measure
For vector problems, standard strength measures may produce undesirable aggregates. A “block approach” from Vanek et al. is used to replace vertex comparisons with block-type comparisons. A connection between nodes i and j in the block case is strong if:
||AB[i,j]|| >= theta * sqrt( ||AB[i,i]||*||AB[j,j]|| ) where AB[k,l]
is the matrix block (degrees of freedom) associated with nodes k and l and ||.|| is a matrix norm, such a Frobenius.
See [1996bVaMaBr] for more details.
[1996bVaMaBr]Vanek, P. and Mandel, J. and Brezina, M., “Algebraic Multigrid by Smoothed Aggregation for Second and Fourth Order Elliptic Problems”, Computing, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 179–196, 1996.
>>> import numpy as np >>> from import stencil_grid >>> from pyamg.strength import symmetric_strength_of_connection >>> n=3 >>> stencil = np.array([[-1.0,-1.0,-1.0], ... [-1.0, 8.0,-1.0], ... [-1.0,-1.0,-1.0]]) >>> A = stencil_grid(stencil, (n,n), format='csr') >>> S = symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, 0.0)